Normal Hours of Operation
Mon – Sat. 4pm – 11pm
Sun 4pm – 11pm
VFW Post 9592 offers a lounge, which is only available to members of the Post, located on the second floor. This lounge comes equipped with multiple couches and easy chairs, a Smart TV, DVD and VCR with plenty of movies to watch, multiple video game systems with a variety of games, music system, an assortment of reading material, foosball table and plenty of room to engage in school work, studying or arts and crafts.
The Members lounge also offers a small meeting area for use by various Post committees or Post groups.
The lounge is accessible via the stair case in the rear of the Canteen or the elevator in the lobby.
Only VFW Post 9592 Members in Good Standing are authorized to use the lounge.
Authorized members may bring guests to the lounge.
Non-Members are prohibitive from entering and remaining in the lounge without an authorized member present.
Community organizations and other groups are permitted to use the meeting area upon authorization of the Hall Committee. However, all other sections of the lounge, excluding the bathroom, are off-limits.
Wi-Fi is available. See the Bartender in the Canteen for access.
Cleanliness, Trash Removal and Replacing Moved Furniture is the responsibility of those utilizing the lounge.