American Flag as described in the United States Code Title 4, Chapter 1,
Section 8, Paragraph (j) "represents a living country and is itself a living
thing” so, in accordance with paragraph (k) of this section, it is only fitting
that when the flag has been weathered, torn or tattered and can no longer be a
fitting emblem for display that it be given a dignified retirement ceremony,
preferably by burning.
Friday September 22, 2023, VFW Post 9592 and its Auxiliary hosted and assisted
the Boy Scouts of America Troop 157 as they performed their Flag Retirement
Ceremony. The ceremony was conducted at the Post’s fire pit and was led by a member
of the troop, who, as master of ceremonies, ensured the ceremony was done in a
respectful and honorable way. Each flag presented was unfurled from its trifold and displayed for the last time for all to see, a memorable event or
fact associated with the flag’s history was stated and as the flag was placed
on the fire, those in attendance were called to attention and a final salute
was conducted.
Post 9592 was proud to be a part of this ceremony and would like to thank the
members of Troop 157 for their patriotism and their immense respect for the
emblem of our country.