On Wednesday March 29, 2023, National Vietnam War Veterans Day, VFW Post 9592 and its Auxiliary conducted a ceremony honoring local Vietnam Veterans. After the ceremony the Veterans and their families were treated to a homecooked meal prepared by the Post's Auxiliary.
This event was spearheaded by the Post's Auxiliary President, Frances Inslee, who organized and coordinated the event. With the assistance of the Post Commander and other members of VFW Post 9592 and Auxiliary, she oversaw and participated in the ceremony which honored all Vietnam Veterans, all members of the U.S. Armed Forces Killed in Action in Vietnam or are considered Prisoners of War and/or Missing in Action, and all Vietnam Veterans suffering from or have passed away from the effects of Agent Orange.
Post member and Gold Star Family member, Bob Inslee, addressed the Veterans present and made moving remarks about the service and sacrifice of each Vietnam Veteran, especially his brother Raymond Inslee who was Killed in Action 53 years ago on March 29, 1970, in the Bing Dinh, Republic of Vietnam.
The Post Commander and Auxiliary President then directed three candles, each representing a category of Vietnam Veteran mentioned above, be lit and a moment of silence be observed to honor and remember those Veterans.
After the ceremony, and thanks to the Post's Auxiliary President's planning and supervision, the Vietnam Veterans present enjoyed a meal that was cooked by the members of the Auxiliary.